
My name is Bhasker Reddy from Gait Solutions LLC. We provide our own H1B consultants for your client needs on Corp to Corp (C2C) terms. We can even submit GC’s and citizenship candidates on C2C/C2H basis. Please add my email ID in your distribution list, so that I can reply to you back with a worthy IT Professionals, who suits for the given requirement.
Email: phone number: 707-401-2018
Please let me know if you have any opportunities for them, they are available immediately and can be Relocated anywhere.

Name :: Praveen
visa :: H1B
Technology :: Sr. React Native Developer
Experiences:: 9+years
Location:: onsite/IL

Name :: Rajender
visa :: H1B
Technology :: Hadoop Developer
Experiences:: 9+years
Location:: Remote

Name :: Navneet
visa :: H1B
Technology :: Sr. Java Developer
Experiences:: 9+years
Location:: Onsite /in

Name :: Ahmad
visa :: H1B
Technology :: Sr. Data Engineer
Experiences:: 10+years
Location:: Onsite/ca

Thanks & Regards
Bhasker Reddy
phone number: 707-401-2018

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